Sunday, September 30, 2018

Stars and Unicorns

Since my new school quarter has begun I find myself on sl tinkering with phototools to avoid math. It really works! Although not recommended. So I found myself at Luanes Magical World  to take my photos. This place is lovely with a ton of spots to take photos at. I will for sure be back. Angles were my bane this time I just couldn't find the perfect one but c'est la vie.

    {Dress} Rebecca Dress in Blue by  Just BECAUSE  
    {Panties} The dress does come with some but they can be hidden so I wore my favorite, Tiny Thong in Velvet by Artificial Hallucination 
    {Hair Clip} This is actually a crown (in blue) by Rozoregalia called Uzyum. I just resized and fiddled with it to sit in my hair.
    {Necklace} Sweet Deer Twilight by Atomic which is a gacha.
    {Bracelet} Cora Bracelet by RealEvil Industries
    {Stockings} Yuko Stockings by Glitzz These come with a Hud to change the colors of the stocking and ribbbons.
Body Parts
    {Hair} Madlen by Limerence
    {Nails} LIARS #08 by Pink Hustler Gacha.
    {Body Glitter} Stripper Dust by Cynful

Friday, September 28, 2018

New Things

Recently I have finished building my new computer who I have named Orion. With that it has opened back up the world of blogging and more importantly taking photos on sl. I had become discouraged with the locking up and lag I got when I tried to take photos before. I think that is why I stopped blogging and takeing photos. Now I get 100 fps easy and I get to really dive in and learn the photo tools in firestorm. So get ready!

I went over to Monsterbox - Adult Extraplaner Fantasy Wasteland and took a few photos. It has been a while and things have changed a lot! I think I ended up with about 5 huds on my screen while I was setting myself up and getting the right pose. I have yet to install Photoshop on Orion but will soon. These are raw off of sl on ultra settings and windlights.

    {Jacket} Trucker Jacket Regular Fit in Black by Pseudo 
    {Top} It is actually a weird one piece called Thunder Bodice in Black by Kaithleen's 
    {Shorts} Mia Shorts in Black by Teefy 
    {Harness} Allure Harness by Abrasive
    {Garter} Garnet Aradia by Codex
    {Collar}  *Occult Collar* by L'Emporio
    {Shoes} Mischievous Princess Boot by Dirty Princess
Body Parts
    {Hair} Cindy by Runaway
    {Body Glitter} Stripper Dust by Cynful

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The CTS Wardrobe

As of Sept 2017 this is grossly outdated. I will be working on a new one and will post the link here once it is finished.

I have been gone for a while but hopefully, this will make up for that. As everyone knows I love to shop and I am also obsessive compulsive about my inventory. I try very hard to keep it organized and tidy so that I can find things with ease. While also deleting things that are unnecessary. A long time about before Marz was even a thought and I was on my first account (yes I did have another one) I found a handy tool, the CTS Wardrobe. Now at that time, I had no drive to learn it but played with it enough to know that I wanted to learn it. Fast forward to Marz and suddenly the urge to learn it hit.

For those that do not know what the CTS Wardrobe is, to put it simply it is a visual inventory. You use the tools that it provides to catalog things in your inventory. From clothes to buildings to everything in between it will work to show you things faster simpler and more efficient than scrolling through your inventory for textures or worse yet having to rez or wear an item. The fun part is if you want to use RLV you can wear your items straight from your wardrobe. I personally tend to dress straight from the wardrobe rather than my inventory now.

With a website version and an actual wardrobe that you can rez in world it makes it really easy to access and use. I love mine and I use it daily. It is one of the top things I recommend to ANYONE on sl, it really is a must-have. Here are some links to read a bit more from the creator herself.

CTS Wardrobe Overview
Working Demo
RLV Tutorial

The last two links are all on how to set the wardrobe up. I will admit it does have a learning curve and I am forever learning more about mine.

Before I get into how I have mine set up I have to say, I am NOT an expert on this thing. What I have works for me and I don't have issues for what I use mine for (which is basically clothes). There is probably a lot I need to learn still and that is OK. Without further ado here is how I have mine set up and how I function with my Wardrobe.

My first bit of advice is to organize your inventory, having a system of organization helps. It is the foundation of your wardrobe. For me because I do not change my base avatar that often the first thing I did was create a "/base" folder in my RLV. Since I want to dress straight from my wardrobe I wanted to make sure all of the things I want to use are in my RLV folder. If the things you want to wear are not in RLV then you will not be able to wear them from your wardrobe. So in the RLV I made the "/base" and I put in my shape, skin, eyelashes, Eyes, physics, tattoo, alpha for my lolas (I will get to the struggles of mesh parts later), my got to slink hands and the subsequent slink hand and feet alpha. I leave out hair, lola, and feet because those things change depending on what I want to wear so the base is simply that the base and bare minimum of my avatar.

Next thing I create is a nude folder. Which is pretty much the same as the /base folder 'cept it has feet, hair, and boobs. It's a quick hit when you just wanna get naked. I added this for my Master but it is handy in general.

The third was a part for my collar. Doing the usual things for RLV I made a folder called Collar, then put the attach point of the collar which for me is my (Spine) then dropped my collar in that folder. I also made a folder for all of the HUDs that I find necessary to function on Sl but that isn't really a wardrobe thing.

Finally, I start with clothes lets start simple and work our way to slink and lolas. Being the organization freak that I am I copied the same system I use in my normal inventory and put it in my RLV. I have a clothing folder which holds basically the same named folders as my clothing folder in my main inventory.

To show the basics of what I do to put things into my wardrobe lets put in some wings I just got from the Arcade. This is the basics of putting anything that I would like to wear into my wardrobe, it works with anything and is the same process minus a few when I do slink and my lolas.  

Step one I find the said item RO ~ Holiday Spirit ~ Celestial Wings and I put it "away" in my normal inventory where I want my original stored. I just so happen to have a 'wings' folder so I drag and drop them in there and then add them to my body. Next I wear the Wardrobe HUD which could be one before it just need to be on. Then hit the pink lady standing on line to rez a pose stand and jump on said pose stand. I use the male and female poses 'cuz a girl can never have enough options.

This is the time in which I edit and fit said items. Making sure they fit and are perfect because I never want to edit it again so I take my time. Then I pop up my camera and go to email. In the email field I put then it puts my name in the form and then I add the title. The title is a part where some people may differ but for me what works best is taking out ALL spaces and ALL special characters. I found that when i tried to add items with spaces and what not it would get confused on what to wear when I have so many folders so I kept it simple.

One of the BEST parts about the wardrobe is that you can create "Tags' for your items. Makes it soo easy to look for only your skirts or only red items. You need to sit and think about what things you want as tags and stick with it, although you can change and delete tags so it is not set in stone. For my wings, since they will be in the clothing folder I put that and then a comma and a space and the next tag which is obviously wings. Before I send it I copy the title that I had edited out the spaces and what not from. This is important, the wardrobe uses the title of the photo to find the item in your RLV so they HAVE to match or it will not find it. I copy to be safe. Then send.

A note about the photos since you are sending it via email you don't have to worry about paying L to upload photos. Also you want to make sure what you want the photo of is in the center of your screen and that you are zoomed in as much as you want. The photos on the website are not very big so its good to get a nice zoomed in to where you know what you are looking at shot. Since I am OCD with this I take all of my photos naked so what I am taking a photo of stands out. Also if you have a HUD for the item wear it and have it "show" on your photo so you can see your options. Just make sure to play around with the HUD placement and that items you have on so you can see both well in the photo. 

Once the photo is sent copy the items that you are wearing the HUD everything that you need to wear the item that includes alphas. This step is longer when you have mesh parts like lolas and slink but we will get to that. Go to your RLV folder and then to your clothing folder and create a folder title for the said object in this case for me it would be wings then create a folder inside of that one and rename it and paste your photo title. This is the folder that the wardrobe will look for in your RLV to add things from, then what I do is paste as a link. I paste as a link because if I edit the base object it carries over to the one in my wardrobe. I don't have to go hunt and edit it or replace it. It is already fixed and edited. Now if what you want in that particular folder needs to be different then your root object then by all means make a copy of your object before you edit it and put the edited on in your rlv wardrobe folder. I have done so with some of my belts. 

Once you paste what you want you are done. You can click the center of your wardrobe to pull up the link and tada its there!

The deal with slink is that you HAVE to put in a copy (paste as link is best IMHO) of the appropriate height for the shoes. Make sure you have the shoe the feet and said HUDs, if you change skin a lot it would be wise to put in the slink hud to change skin. I also make sure to put in the utilities hud when I am doing leggings so I can turn them on and off along with the leggings HUD itself. Again I always do paste a link of things like that. 

Lolas were the hardest part for me to figure out what and how I wanted to do them. It was either I use ONE copy of my lolas and make sure to add the applier to each folder. In which when I added that I would have to apply the applier and detach the HUD and then adjust the applier on my boobs so that it was fitted correctly. This was to much work so instead I chose to make a copy of my lolas each time I needed them. So when adding say a top to my wardrobe I add the applier and fit it to my boobs so it looks perfect then just drag and drop that copy of my lolas in my wardrobe rlv folder. That way I never have to see the applier again nor do I have to fit and adjust it. The only thing is that if you change skin all the time you will need to have your skin applier handy. You need to think about what will work the best for you.

I have since got into wearing Belleza Venus and TMP bodies so I have to make sure to add a copy of my body and make sure it is tagged in my wardrobe that that outfit or that clothing item is for those bodies and not the SL body. YAY for tags. 

You can also add complete outfits so that with one click and you are dressed. Say you have a complete avatar as a werewolf, it makes it easy to jump back and forth with one click! On top of that you can also use it to take photos of your buildings and furniture so you don't have to guess anymore. That wouldn't require RLV for just the photo part!

Once you figure it out and find a rhythm for you and your wardrobe you will never want to live without it, it is simply amazing. At the price point, it is also super affordable. If there is something I may have missed please let me know I will try my best though I am no expert and may have NO idea. Please take a serious look at getting a wardrobe, it is one of the major tools in sl that I use daily. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Into The Jungle

I had a lot of fun with this outfit. I went over to the Amazon River. It is on three different sims and is stunningly done full or traps and fun photos places. I think there is a game or role play that is suppose to be played but I went purely for the awesome scenery. While doing some photos a curious local came out and I got him in one of my photos, lets play I spy and see if you can find him.

    {Outfit} Wild Zipped Romber by NS:: I got this at Trend Fashion Fair 
    {Pet} Tortoise by Manticore who is sadly no longer around in sl.
    {Ring} (Left hand)  Lock Heart in Silver by ...::LB Jewels Store::... I got this at the Trend Fashion Fair 
    {Bracelet} (Right hand)  Snake Number 11 by ..::OPOPOP Design::.. I got this from a Gacha at  The Fantasy Gacha 
    {Necklace}  Spiked Necklace in Black by [Modern.Couture] I got this at the first round of  Trend Fashion Fair 
    {Shoes} Nila Mules in Black by ..::ILLI::.. These shoes are completly customizable with an amazing color change HUD. You can change the color of the heel/sole, spikes and the transparent part that goes over the top of your foot. They are also materials enabled and worn with Slink high feet. I got these at Trend Fashion Fair 
Body Parts
    {Hair} Break in White by Magika  I think this is a hair I got at the sale that is going on over there. All of the older flexi prim hair is on closeout.
    {Ears}Simple Ears by [MANDALA]All my ears are from Mandala.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sk8r Gurl

Real life has had me in its clutches I was able to break away and jump around a few places and get some photos in. Sadly with RL still keeping me from SL I had just enough time to dress myself and take a few photos, I haven't been able to edit them yet. Either way the show must go on so you get raw SL photos this time around. I may come back and edit them later, I actually like how they look raw. Since I knew I was going to do doing something with skate boarding I set out to find a skate park. There are not all that many in SL so it was hard to find one with a good look but I did find Whooligainz SKATE PARK and liked it. Oh and I finally got Photoshop, now if only I could find time to use it.

    {Top} Halter Top in Pink by -Kit- I got this at Trend Fashion Fair 
    {Bottom} Brittany Hot Pink Pocket Capris in black by blah.BLAH.blah I got this at Trend Fashion Fair 
    {Face}  Wrecked Band Aids in Classic Blood *RARE* by Apple May Designs won it in some gacha somewhere
    {Belly}  Belly Skulls II by :: envi :: Piercings!  Some of my go to belly piercings are from Envi. 
    {Shoes} Sport Wedges in black by ..::Energie::.. The socks are color change with a hud.
Body Parts
    {Hair} Jackie Hair in White by >.:^^:..Xplosion..:^^:.<  From the black & whites pack, love this hair it comes with many different color bases in two styles stars and boxes.
    {Pose}  Skater Girl Poses by BelleBody I love these and they even come with a board :D another thing from Trend Fashion Fair 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hair Fair 2014

Hair fair 2014 was HUGE this year! It had a total of 4 sims with all of the top hair designers on sl. I will warn you this post is a photo over load. I sat over at PoD and took photos of all the free and bought hair that I snagged from hair fair. It took me fours hours to grab the demos and freebies and then another few hours to try the demos and sift through all the free and dollarbie stuff. Most 'free' things were 1L with all of the proceeds going to Wigs for Kids I got everything that was free or cheap. That meant that I had to shuffle through it and find the things I would actually wear which was a task. Most hair that I bought was between 200L to 300L with about 10% to 15% of each going to Wigs for kids. It was a lot of fun you can find the official event blog here

If you want to go to Hair Fair and contribute to the fantastic Wig for Kids and get some stunning mesh hair at the same time HURRY it ends July 27th 2014! 

So I didn't edit these photos they are raw from sl one being that I didn't want to edit ALL of them and two I wanted you to see what they actually look like. They were taken on mid graphics at midday. I am also wearing the same outfit from my Dark Storm post. 

Asteria in Plumify by Adoness, free gift 

National Anthem in Medley with violet streaks and black band by Alice Project. If you do not know anything on alice project hair you need to check it out. Each hair is able to be customized via the Hud so that you are not just getting the color you want but a look just for you. This is my first Alice project hair but will not be my last the best part is that it was free.   

Pop Scotch by Analog Dog in light blondes. AD is one of my FAVORITE hair stores on the grid. They were the first hair that I bought and I have been in love with them for over 4 years now. I already owned this hair and used it as one of my main hairs for a good part of my sl life. I snagged the FREE fatpack at hair fair. 

Cowboy hat by Argrace in blue it came with red and orange versions and was free. The hair I am wearing is further down the list. 

27 by Eaters Coma in light silver, this was not from hair fair.. although Eaters coma was it prompted me to check out the store and I found this one and had to have it. 

After the Rain by Exile in blonde was a free gift and comes with brown, red and black. I love it but it does cut into the Lolas a bit. 

Tricia by +elua+ in light blondes, I like this hair but this is as light as I could find and not sure how much I will wear it as I like my hair white. 

Blow Away by Exile in white from the naturals pack. I bought nearly all of the Exile hair from hair fair, it was stunning and boobie friendly! 

Stone Cold Seduction by Exile in white form the naturals pack. 

Young and Beautiful by Exile in white from the naturals pack. 

Teta by eXxEsS in white from the back 

and from the front. 

Bee by Ison in light tones.

Royal Crowns by Ison free gift in gold, silver and shown in gunmetal. I am wearing my Eaters Coma hair 23 to model. 

Jessica by K-Code in light blonde. Fat pack was a free gift and comes with a color changer for the bands and even an option to remove them completely 

Ally by LaNoir Soleil Designs  in white free pack!

After Party by Mag I really like this hair but it does cut into my boobs a bit thus the angle was a free gift. 

Liny by Miamai in blonde free gift. 

Pickle by .ploom. in Moonstone I call this my Briard hair and I LOVE it! I do have to wear an alpha or the top of my head pops out the top of it. 

No. 23'14 by Red Mint in exclusive hair fair color free from the side 

and from the front.

Ignore the hair, the Messy fringe over my face is from Shi Boutique they were a free gift and come in many different colors. 

Beatice by Tameless in the naturals pack free gift. 

Boys will be boys-Teal by Vanity Hair free gift.

Fantastic Girl-G10 by Vanity Hair free gift. 

Flirt by Vanity Hair in white. 


Well then that was awkward.

As of Sept 2018 the wishlist now charges L$80/31 days. If my wishlist is inactive that just means I have forgot to pay it >_<

*Coughs and clears her throat a few times* Yeah.. sorry about that, I seemed to have violated some weird loophole in the system of the last blog host I was on. After several emails and a few days they shut my blog down and I looked else where. The funny part is, is that I was doing nothing different than every other fashion or sl blogger out there that uses them. *Shrugs and throws her arms in the air* Nothing I can do but shift over to the google platform, which to me is sad as I am a microsoft fan but we are moving forward with the blog.. just make sure you update your links...

Now then.. we will start small and work our way back up. Speaking of up I added a few more links up top there. The first being my sl wishlist. Why the hell this is not more popular is beyond me. Daddy showed it to me and was like hey you might want to do this. So I checked it out and was stunned, it was exactly what I was looking for. I'm from the xstreet era of sl shopping that was the 'oldschool' version of what Marketplace is today. If you have been around sl you know what I am talking about and you miss it, I know you do I do. The biggest missed feature as a shopper was the 'wish list' feature. It was simply an added button on all products where you could add it to a 'wish list' this list could be shared and seen by others. When Mp took over they threw that idea out and just left it to favorites. I have since been using the favorites list as a mock wish list or a 'need to buy when I have L' list, the only problem being I can't share it with others.

Then Daddy showed me and I nearly had a heart attack. It is super easy to set up and use. First go to here click on the 'create an account' text on the sign and then make sure to COPY your password that they give you. You can not log in unless you have that. Then go to the website and log in using your avatar name and the password that they gave you in world. Tada you now have an account! Easy as that now what is easier is putting things into your wishlist. After you log in you will be prompted to the 'add to your wishlist' page. Open up another tab and go to mp open an item you want and copy the url then click back to the wishlist page and hit ctrl and v. BAM added, I added over 200 items in less than an hour.

If you are a shopaholic like me then you will want to take advantage of the 'groups' feature. You basically can make up to 7 groups to put your wished items into. For example, I have shoes, clothing, and huds to name a few that make it easier for people to sift through my 260 items. Another neat feature is that there is a way for others to mark that they bought an item for you. I am just in love with the whole idea and it is super easy to manage and use. The only issue is that it is for Mp items only it does not work on in world items.

I added my wishlist to my bar up top just so you can see how I set mine up. I also added my flickr and my facebook, ASN and Deviant Art pages so you can find me on those. The last tab is a look only version of my wardrobe. I will do a very very big drawn out post about the wardrobe once I have it set up though I am far from it. There is still a lot of work to be done on it on my end but I wanted to add a link here as I have been telling people about it and showing them the link. I highly recommend you buy it, it is cheap for what it does for you. I think I'd die with out mine and it is not even finished! Link to the Mp listing
